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You are viewing Cheat Codes for NHL 2002 System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-07-09 21:44:04 Views : 31310 Cheat : FMV sequences: Enter one of the following folders in the game directory to play various FMV sequences. FMV sequence Folder Stanley Cup win cup_presentation End of period/during an intermission end_of_period During a fight fight Generic generic Home goal goal_home Away goal goal_away Away penalty pen_away Home penalty pen_home Win a playoff series playoff_series_win Puck over the glass/out of play puck_over Time running out for the Away Team when losing time_running_out Barenaked Ladies: Create a player using one of the following names: Jim Creeggan, Tyler Stewart, Steven Page, Ed Robertson, or Kevin Hearng. The game will adjust the players face and statistics automatically to match that band member. Slap Shot players: Select the EA Blades team under the custom team category. Enter one of the following players from the Charlestown Chiefs team from the movie Slap Shot and their names will be announced during the game: Reggie Dunlop, Ned Braden, Dave Carlson, Johnny Upton, Morris Wanchuk, and Billy Charlebois. Bonus players: Create a player and enter Tom Barrasso as a name and the game will complete his abilities and stats. Hint : Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more NHL 2002 cheat codes.
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